4. I preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do. ҌԸ(õ)ЩyĹ
ɡspontaneouslyad. Ȼl(f)أ
flint [flnt] n. ʯʯ
heading [hedalt] n. }
@ҵoHere is mypassport / Here it is.
ǃס? Where are youstaying?
ҌסڲʿDI will stay atBoston Hotel.
еĿĞ?What\'s thepurpose of your visit?
AӋͣ?How long willyou be staying in the USA?
A: I thought this shirt was a great deal but I washed it once and it'sshrunk so much that I can't wear it.
Murray's essays transcended the boundaries of her world in recognizing the need for training women to earn their own living. ĪՓijԽڵҕҰJRӖŮʹ\ӋҪ
A creative architect can find ways to incorporate natural landscape into the overall design. Є(chung)ĽҵȻ^ںMwOӋk//In the experiment, the overall growth of algae and the number of species dropped. ڌwLNĔ
We'll use a buddy system throughout the ride. ҂{܇Ќһ헻ƶȡ
14. The books are not allowed to be taken out of the room. @Щʔy
Life pace moves very fast these days. People don\'t like to waste time on theirbreakfast and lunch except their business luncheon and family occasions.
ɡpromotionn. x
ethnology [enldi] n. ˷NWW