B: Maybe you'd better check it with the company. They could be temporarily out of stock.
perfect [prfkt] a. ģ*ideal, flawless
Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. hxxeĸx
vanish [vn] vi. ʧdisappear, fade^die out
The three-toed sloth has hook-like claws at the ends of its long bony arms. ֺLֱĩL^Ӡצ
device [dvas] n. bO(sh)䣨equipment, apparatusַtechnique
graduation ceremony I(y)Y
Landmasses occupy only one-third of the Earth's surface. ꑵֻռ֮һ
F(xin)MЕr am / is / are + being done
soft tissue ܛMsoft spot cܛI(y)soft focus ܛcƬ
The lighthouses in the Northeast are fastened to the surrounding rock. |ğ̶܇Ďrʯ
Relatively little hardware was used during this period. @rƷʹõ^
Adjustments in various places show that this standard is not immutable. ͬط{(dio)@ʾ@(bio)(zhn)һɲ׃
educevt. ódeducevt.Փ
Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label quantities of items and do simple sums. ѽ(jng)W(xu)ʹÔ(sh)ց(bio)ӛƷĔ(sh)εļӷ\㡣
1 ʹЃɷNһNԄ~ԭ_^ڄ~ԭ֮ǰdo (ֻʡԵڶ˷QZľ)