Of course the history books are full of great men and women who are long gone, and no doubt we can all find our personal heroes from their pages. But the dead cannot defend their reputations and so every biography and every film chips away at their greatness. Alexander the Great will never seem so great once we have seen the film.
those of German Shepherds
例:Set S contains the positive multiples of 6 that are less than 50,and set T contains the positive multiples of 8 that are less than 50. How many numbers do sets S and T have in common?
C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.
第二段在介紹哥倫比亞航天飛機失事這個例子的時候,也犯了和5分作文相同的錯誤,就是沒有把筆墨的重點放在這件事給NASA帶來什么教訓上,只提到了一句thespace program now know what is wrong,僅僅說他們知道錯了,不夠具體,應該在此處加上一些具體細節(jié)(specific details)。
Unlike the other ladyboys hoping to find men to protect them , suay just buried the friendship from cheuk in her heart . occasionally some visitors known cheuk before came in the pub , suay was hardly known that cheuk was mistakenly killed his team member in a duty , he was blamed and left the job , he ever talked with his police father for several years just because of this event . . . . as usual daily life , cheuk and suay were preparing opening of a new pub , cheuk told suay he wanted to terminate the job
兩個人物,黑白對比,各占滿滿一段,其篇幅之重,使得文章更像是一篇文學論文,而論述的視角也不同于平時的common sense。
Nails are constantly regenerating .
Based on the two passages, Douglass and Dana differ in their views of the effect of the CivilWar in that Douglass believes that the war has…(觀點)
(E)x+y=6 0.1x+0.25y=30
doe (n)
b) We may also make some English pen pals to establish English communication relationship through some media like newspaper and magazines.
A:How about your date? 你的約會如何呀?
B:No good, she shot me down, and she said I smelled bad. 不好,她距我于千里之外,還說我有體臭。
A box made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.