flagellum [fldelm] n. [pl. flaella] 鞭毛
13. I am supposed to know something about science. 有人建議我了解一些科學方面的東西。
這句與上面的“bark at the moon徒勞,枉費心機”對應。
【例】The newer ones experienced remarkable growth, which reflected basic changes in the economy. 新生事物經歷了顯著的增長,這反映了經濟的基本變化。
作為一種快速尋找信息的閱讀技巧,尋讀既要求速度,又要求尋讀的準確性。具體地說,尋讀帶有明確的目的性,有針對性地選擇問題的答案。因此,可以把整段整段的文字直接映入大腦,不必字字句句過目。視線在印刷材料上掠過時,一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)有關的內容,就要稍作停留,將它記住或摘下,既確保尋讀的速度,又做到準確無誤,所以尋讀技巧也很有實用價值。 尋讀與略讀不同。略讀時,讀者事先對材料一無所知,而尋讀則是讀者對材料有所了解的情況下進行的。例如,尋讀電話號碼簿,讀者知道受話人的姓名,還知道電話號碼簿是按姓的字母順序排列的。這樣,在尋找Jackson的電話時,就可以利用書頁上方的標識詞,再按姓的字母順序很快翻到以J開頭的書頁,從而找到 Jackson名下的電話頁碼。
B: No, I'll be over at the bus stop.
prevalent [prevlnt] a. 流行的,普遍的(*common, universal)
【例】These rough places on the wall could be plastered over. 可以在墻面的這些粗糙之處抹上灰泥。
Extremely intoxicated.
Life pace moves very fast these days. People don\'t like to waste time on theirbreakfast and lunch except their business luncheon and family occasions.
【派】determinant(a. 決定的);determination(n. 決心;決定);indeterminate(a. 不確定的)
From this a few days to get along with, I like miss gao. High on the language lesson, the teacher is so dramatic: her beautiful voice, let we unconsciously entered the imagination of the text, realized the author express emotions, infatuated; Her vigorous, enabled us to quickly into the lenovo, understood every word. For the high teacher the thumbs-up sign: I am a teacher, hello! September 10 is teachers\' day, I kept thinking: the gifts to the teacher? Want to for a long time, I realized: the teacher don\'t need flowers, not gifts. But - but a sincere heart, a positive enterprising heart hard.
【搭】trial class 實驗課;bring sb. to trial 審判某人;clinical trials 臨床實驗;medical trials 醫(yī)學實驗