1、專業(yè)的教師團隊,掌握前沿的教學方法 2、教學經驗豐富,善于激發(fā)學生的潛能 3、善于帶動學員融入情景體驗式課堂
If the property needs a new dishwasher, no problem, just put it on a credit card.
1. Go Jackets! Go, go, go! Go Jackets, go!
Jackets 隊加油!
曾有好奇的讀者問過我, 在英文中「加油」要怎么說? 其實各位只要去看場比賽, 很快就會 \"Go\" 字加油的意思. 例如學校的校隊叫 Yellow Jackets (黃夾克蜂), 要替它加油時就會高喊, \"Go Jackets.\" 或是 \"Let\'s go, Jackets.\"
2. Cheer for the cheerleaders?
Cheer 字是歡呼的意思, 在英語中啦啦隊員就被翻成 cheerleader, 意為帶領歡呼的人. 部電影中小笨霖還學到了其它的用法, 諸如像是啦啦隊一隊人馬除了用 team 之外, 更喜歡用 squad 字, 還有像是一整套啦啦隊的動作叫 routine. 例如, \"Our squad needs a new routine.\" 說這隊需要新的舞序.
【派】phenomenal(a. 顯著的;現(xiàn)象的);phenomenon(n. 現(xiàn)象)
【例】Murray's essays transcended the boundaries of her world in recognizing the need for training women to earn their own living. 莫里的論文超越了她所在的視野,認識到了培訓女性使其自謀生計的需要。
bind [band] v. 使結合,綁(tie, fasten);裝訂
viral [varl] a. 病毒(性)的
The novelty will soon pall on them.
reddish [red] a. 微紅的
composition [kmpzn] n. 成分(component);構成(composing);作品,作文(works, writing)
【搭】intelligence quotient 智商;an intelligence agent 情報員
①We pervide a splandid entertanment place for Chinese and foriegn tourists.
②We provide a splendid entertainment place for Chinese and foreign tourists.
We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.
schedule [skedul] n. 時刻表,日程表(timetable, agenda)vt. 安排,預定(assign, appoint)
“月亮不理狗的狂吠”; 對無稽責難置之不理。
【記】來自devote(vt. 將…奉獻給;把…專用于)
A: I got an invitation to a financial planning seminar. And I don't want to go alone.
【例】I decided to call landlord on how much the apartment would cost. 我決定給房東打電話,問這間公寓的租金是多少。