1、專業(yè)的教師團隊,掌握前沿的教學方法 2、教學經驗豐富,善于激發(fā)學生的潛能 3、善于帶動學員融入情景體驗式課堂
同時我們還可以用舉例的方法來進行擴展,如 ‘He’s a high-driven guy and he worked so hard on his Toefl test, study almost 24/7.’
comparable [kmprbl] a. (with, to)可比較的,類似的(similar, like);比得上的(capable of or suitable for comparison)
【例】Certain feminists showed a keen sense of history by keeping records of activities in which women were engaged. 某些女權主義者展示出了敏銳的歷史感,記錄了婦女參與的各種活動。
【例】He's an authority on energy sources. 他是能源方面的權威人士。//Your professor should have the authority to get something done about it. 你的教授應該有權讓人對此采取措施。
horde [hrd] n. 一大群(crowd, swarm)
B: Hey, what's the big deal? Falling apart is when your car needs a new engine, like mine does.
Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year's time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.
overcharge [ovrtrd] v. 討價過高,索價過高;使過量裝填;渲染,夸張 n. 過高的要價;過重的負擔;超載
Johnson:What\'s the extension number for my phone?
Manager:The operator will put all your calls through.You don\'t have to worry about that.
【例】We'll have our lunch in a gardden restaurant overlooking a small park. 我們將在一個能夠俯瞰小公園的花園酒店共進午餐。//She overlooked my paper by mistake. 她因為失誤而忽略了我的論文。
I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.(注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds指人兩面討好,罪任何一方的做法。)