1、專業(yè)的教師團隊,掌握前沿的教學方法 2、教學經(jīng)驗豐富,善于激發(fā)學生的潛能 3、善于帶動學員融入情景體驗式課堂
There's a common saying usually applied to sports:"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." This saying, however, can easily be applied to how we live and whether or not we are able to achieve personal happiness. As the Humboldt quotation suggests, it's not the events that occurs in our lives but rather the way we react to these events that most affects our happiness. Excellent representations of this can be found in Shakespeare's "Hamlet," where characters respond differently to the same situation and gain varying levels of happiness because of their respective reactions.
docker (boondocker) (n)
我們學習目的是為了與別人進行交流,所以英語中的幾個要素的重要次序應為: 流利-準確-恰當 .
B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.
Assignment: Do you agree or disagree that people really want others to give them their honest opinion? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.
In these instances such as these, more people show that they in fact do not want honest opinions, but to hear what they want to hear. However, this does not mean that they are not loyal friends or that they do not have loyal friends. A loyal friend will probably tell you the truth when you need to hear it. But what is perhaps more important to many people is that a loyal friend also knows just how and when to lie.
等比序列(geometric sequence):
3. Machine A produces chairs at a constant rate of 6 chairs per hour, and machine B produce chairs at a constant rate of 8 chairs per hour.
The implication of this is that if a message can be decrypted using the public key,then it must have been sent from the owner of the private key.
只有B和E符合要求。但在E中,首先是主謂不一致,主語是integrity;其次動詞應該是rests on而不是rest on。(C也犯了同樣的錯誤;同時,the requirements純屬多余。)
聯(lián)想是由一事物的觀念想到另一事物的觀念的心理過程?陀^事物是相互聯(lián)系的,事物之間不同的關系反映在人腦中,形成各種不同的聯(lián)想。聯(lián)想越緊密,新事物越好記住。在民間流傳著許多運用聯(lián)想進行學習的故事。據(jù)說,很久很久以前有一位私塾先生,他經(jīng)常到附近山上找和尚飲酒下棋。一天臨去前,他布置學生在他返回前,每人必須背會圓周率小數(shù)點后22位。大部分學生都抓耳撓腮背不出來。這時有一個聰明的學生把圓周率與先生上山喝酒的情景聯(lián)在一起,產(chǎn)生了聯(lián)想。他把它分解成五段3.14159/26535/897/932/384/626,等先生回來時,大家已背得滾瓜爛熟:“山巔一寺一壺酒,爾樂苦煞吾,把酒吃,酒殺爾,殺不死,樂而樂”。與此類似,我們可以把所記的詞連在一起形成三種聯(lián)想。相似聯(lián)想:引起相同意義的聯(lián)想,如見到good想到well, nice, fine, wonderful等。
下面,附一部分OG范文 “Let There Be Dark”的修辭手法,供考生參考并自行取用。