1、專業(yè)的教師團隊,掌握前沿的教學方法 2、教學經(jīng)驗豐富,善于激發(fā)學生的潛能 3、善于帶動學員融入情景體驗式課堂
【例】The assumption has been shown to be incorrect by recent research. 最近的研究證明這一假設不正確。
【例】The doctor told him to relax and not to clench his hands like that. 醫(yī)生告訴他放松自己,別像那樣緊握拳頭。
He said he would come back the next day.
【例】Electronic chips recorded the presence of a vehicle in a given high traffic area at a given time. 電子芯片記錄了某一時間內(nèi),車輛在某一繁忙路段的通行情況。
劉備三顧茅廬請出諸葛亮并拜為軍師。而關羽、張飛對此不以為然。沒過多久,曹操派大將夏侯領十萬大軍打新野,劉備找諸葛亮商議,諸葛亮說:“ 怕眾將不聽我令,愿借主公印劍一用!眲涿⒂唤o諸葛亮。諸葛亮開始集眾點將。命關羽帶一千人馬埋伏在豫山,放過敵人先頭部隊,看到起火,迅速出擊。張飛帶一千人馬埋伏在山谷里,待起火后,殺向博望城。關平、劉封帶五百人馬,在博望坡后面分兩路等候,敵軍一到,立刻放火。又把趙云從樊城調(diào)來當先鋒,只許敗不許勝。劉備帶一千人馬作后援。關羽忍不住問:“我們都去打仗,先生干什么?”諸葛亮說:“我在城中坐等!睆堬w大笑說:“我們都去拼命,先生你好逍遙!”諸葛亮說:“印劍在此,違令者斬!”關羽、張飛無話,冷笑著走了。在戰(zhàn)斗中,各將按諸葛亮吩咐行事,直殺得曹兵丟盔棄甲。諸葛亮初次用兵,神機妙算,大獲全勝。使關羽、張飛等佩服得五體投地。
[blb]n. 燈泡
【例】Customers' comments are collated regularly to identify oppor-tunities for improvement. 顧客的意見被逐一核對,以確保公司能在適當?shù)臅r機進行改進。
②They elected him president of the U.S.
In fact, hot-headed stock investors make better decisions, a study in the Academyof Management Journal showed.
A; so your country is fairly rich.
B: I think we are richer than most countries, but not as rich as countries in western Europe. Our biggest problem at the moment is unemployment, which is roughly 8%. It has doubled over the last four years.
A: unemployment in my country is a fraction of that.
A: what’s “pi”?
B: that’s the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, I think.
Some people are so focused on the future and trying to make money that they forget their values.
The students can make some sentences with “have to” in their own words.
3. Emotion Aim